We let people come and go anonymously.
Although we’re always glad to have you visit with us and want to make you feel welcome, we do not draw attention to your presence. Many people today value their space and time above all else so we wait for you to request a follow-up visit or telephone call from Red River Cowboy Church.
We seldom do altar calls.
While going to the front of the church for prayer is an age old tradition, it is one that makes many people uncomfortable-especially if they are required to stand up before several hundred people in order to accept Christ or receive prayer. We always make both available, but we do not require people to come to the front to receive it.
We don’t pass the offering plate.
Although we need money to operate just as any church does, we do not believe that money should become the focal point of a church. If someone’s heart leads him or her to give, we provide a place for them to do so. If their heart does not lead them to give, that’s alright too. We believe God will provide.
And of course, we let people come as they are.
Let’s face it. Some folks don’t have time to dress up, some folks don’t have the clothes to dress up with, and some folks wouldn’t dress up even if they could. No matter what people choose to wear, we want them to hear the gospel. So, there’s no dress code here. People are encouraged to wear whatever is comfortable to them.
The approach is designed to give everyone the opportunity to hear the gospel and worship God. Literally hundreds of churches in our area cater to the traditional Christian. We just believe there should be at least one that’s designed to reach out to those who do not feel comfortable in the traditional church setting. What denomination are we? We consider ourselves Interdenominational; in that ALL are welcome. We associate with the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches for guidance.
The RRCC Mission
Red River Cowboy Church is here to provide a comfortable, non-judgmental environment to worship God. We will do this by telling people about God’s saving grace, guiding them in having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and teaching them to live daily according to the Holy Spirit’s leadership. The church, both building and people, will minister to the needs of God’s people according to the Lord’s guidance and His Word; regardless of society’s expectations or religious traditions. Members will work together to love any given person, at any given time, and at any given place in their life.
Our Strategy
- Create opportunities to minister to our community. We want people to know that RRCC is here, are glad we’re here, and feel they are better off because we’re here.
- Create experiences that inspire people and cause them to say, “I’m glad I came and can’t wait to come back.”
- Equip our volunteers by engaging them and training both students and adults to give of their time, lead others, and serve as God directs them.